Illegal diversion of PDS flour unearthed, Haryana police seizes 320 quintal flour

4 July, 2019

Unearthing illegal diversion of Public Distribution System (PDS) flour, the Detective Staff of Haryana Police has seized over 320.75 quintals of flour meant to be distributed among poor and other eligible sections of the society through fair price shops in district Karnal.

While stating this here on Thursday, a spokesman of Police Department said that after getting secret information about illegal diversion of flour from a government depot with an intention to sale it at high prices, a Police team along with officials of Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department immediately conducted a raid at a godown located in the area of Bhim Nagar, Karnal where Police has recovered 320 quintal and 75 kg flour meant for distribution through PDS.

A case under the provisions of Essential Commodities Service Act was registered against accused Vijay Kumar, a resident of Sector-16, Karnal and others. Efforts were being made to nab the accused. Further investigation is underway.

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